Sunday, June 16, 2013


Just for fun I will be  doing blogs through the characters in my book. In my other blogs, I introduced you to my book. Here I will tell you about each character before I let them"blog". 

When the story began,  Julie was 28 and very much spiritual and close to the Lord yet she was not perfect. Yet like David in the Bible, her heart was for the Lord and she loved him very much. She knows she is not perfect and needs God's grace and forgiveness in her life.
She may come across as self righteous which she be not.  Later in the story, it is revealed that Julie had a relationship with a  pagan cowboy/ rancher. She was 22 when she left him.  Julie original home is Montana  but made California  her home until God moves in her heart to return to Montana.

A true cowboy at heart who has made mistakes and paid for them. A Rancher and at the age of 32, he seeks answers as to why his girlfriend left him. Although, he should suspect she had known about the body he and his friend had buried, his main reason is to win her back.
Eric had never been a  bachelor all his life but had several girlfriends before he found Julie. Upon first meeting her, he was smitten. There was one thing that stood in his way and that was her being a  Chrsitian.  His view of  Christianity is that they are judgmental and hypocrites like most nonbelievers think. Eric still loved her in spite of it and 8 years after they have been together, he was about to propose.

A minor character that plays an important role in the story. See him as  sin or the one that entices one to sin. He is very much faceless, but has a name.  No one knows what Craigs looks like, but we know he is a friend of Eric. Craig, in the story calls upon his friend Eric to help him out of a problem. ( Sin entices Eric you might say) Eric could refuse to help, but he gave in. Sometimes Sin speaks to us and tells us it is okay)
Or you can see Craig as just Craig.

Mrs. Bittleman
Julie's next door neighbor, who is a senior. She lives alone and has no husband.  There is not much mention about her except maybe she is not as spiritual as Julie. She loves the Lord, but  sees things differently than Julie.

Mrs. Silverton
Julie's book store employer. Mrs Silverton is an atheist, but  even though she doesn't believe in God, she respects Julie's faith. She has troubles believing that Julie knows what she is doing.  She can't see that her god can help her out of the situation.  She is in the story as an atheist to show that Christians can work with or for Atheist. They   can be  a light to them.

These are some of the characters in my book The Past Hunter.

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